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Slendrina Must Die The Asylum


Slendrina Must Die The Asylum

Slendrina Must Die - The Asylum is part of the series of games based on Selena, the daughter of Slender Man. Terrible things happened in this god-forsaken place. Signs of torture, echoes of screams and visions of suffering are in the air of rooms and corridors. Your goal is to find 8 medical books and avoid Selena and her mother to get out of the asylum. Once you are out, you are going to have to find 8 corpse hooks somewhere in the backyard.


Walk around by pressing WASD buttons, hold CTRL to crawl and Left Shift to run. Pressing Space will make the character jump. Look around by moving your mouse, click RMB to aim and LMB to shoot. If you need to see what’s around the corner press C. Select weapons with the Scroll Wheel and reload by pressing R.

How to play Slendrina Must Die – The Asylum

Just like in the other chapters of the game Selena and other monsters cannot be killed. Your weapons are only there to incapacitate the enemies and give you some breathing room. This is especially important in the first part of the chapter – the actual asylum building with narrow corridors and small rooms. Once you are out, you should use the space of the backyard to your advantage: don’t waste ammo, simply avoid the ghosts to the best of your ability.

Slendrina Must Die The Asylum is one of the best Shooting Game you can play on Kevin Games.
This game works perfectly in modern browsers and requires no installation.
Slendrina Must Die The Asylum has been played by thousands of gamers who rated it 4.4 / 5 with 7099 votes.

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Also people ask about Slendrina Must Die The Asylum

  • What is Slendrina Must Die The Asylum?

    ⭐⭐⭐ Slendrina Must Die The Asylum - Is an awesome game in the Shooting Games genre. On our website, you can play Slendrina Must Die The Asylum in a browser free of charge. 🧐

  • How to play Slendrina Must Die The Asylum?

    🎮🎮🎮 These types of Shooting Games are usually controlled with the mouse or keyboard, sometimes both. 🤔

  • How to hack Slendrina Must Die The Asylum?

    👎👎👎 We strongly discourage the use of cheats in Slendrina Must Die The Asylum, play fair. Downloading cheats can also infect your computer with harmful software, so be careful! 🤗

    Comments (81)

    1. slendrinax 16 december 2023, 18:41
      where does slendrina spawn?
      1. slendrinax 16 december 2023, 14:56
        uhh.....where does slendrina spawn
        1. kira 16 december 2023, 02:37
          why is it so scary
          1. bigdaddy 30 november 2023, 20:35
            hey its big daddy wanna play
            1. Anne Shen 25 may 2023, 22:32
              It is really
              1. MR.LOOOOOL 17 may 2022, 16:02
                you should add some simulater games;)
                1. mysha 17 may 2022, 16:00
                  I can't open the game slendrina must die the Asylum it's saying that i am not supporting some kind of browser
                  1. Reanna 31 march 2022, 14:32
                    ahhhhhh… The ghost is shouting!
                    1. Reanna 31 march 2022, 14:02
                      Please say how to open the door...I am playing right now 18:31
                      1. Hasler Choo 30 may 2022, 10:58
                        18:31 wow O_O
                        1. Monique L Morehouse 25 may 2022, 02:25
                          I do not no
                        2. zaza 21 march 2022, 16:39
                          this a good game
                          1. SUPER 01 february 2022, 10:54
                            i did not know how to open door
                            1. SpringTrapツ 24 december 2021, 19:34
                              you can hit c and go around playing and seeing yourself as your charchter!
                              1. SpringTrapツ 24 december 2021, 19:31
                                This game isgood its on the appstore and i would highly recommend playing it! :) pretty scary if your a fan of horror i am
                                1. jacob 11 september 2021, 19:48
                                  i screamed soloud that my perents were scare

                                  1. Midnight 29 october 2021, 13:50
                                    LMAO same but in class haha
                                    1. Markeyla 16 december 2021, 18:53
                                      I was happy to play the game so I played i and I farted
                                  2. pinkie pie 06 july 2021, 08:20
                                    its so scary but good
                                    1. Elijah 21 may 2021, 21:09
                                      I love the slow-mo
                                      1. Foxy_Fnaf fan 07 april 2021, 16:12
                                        Wow… So scary!!!
                                        1. peyton 21 april 2021, 20:48
                                          yep «its very scary»
                                        2. Angel Robertson 12 march 2021, 20:43
                                          i love it so much!!!
                                          1. Serenity 12 march 2021, 01:33
                                            Love this game
                                            1. Jayla 09 march 2021, 13:26
                                              i love it!
                                              1. makayla 02 march 2021, 14:35
                                                is anybody else in school

                                                1. Zoey 16 february 2021, 05:43
                                                  I love this game
                                                  1. john 02 march 2021, 08:22
                                                    nice game scarry
                                                  2. popp 03 february 2021, 12:57
                                                    when slenderrenu was walking out the room i throw a gernad and she just walked out like nothing happend
                                                    1. sophia 29 january 2021, 20:05
                                                      1. Stacy 28 january 2021, 06:40
                                                        I like this game but when i was playing and when i saw a book when i truned back suddenly i saw slendrina behind me i scared so much!.. and i love to play horror games and like to see horror movies. Btw im 7 XD
                                                        1. MIKEYRENN 26 january 2021, 12:16
                                                          hi dot
                                                          1. dot 23 january 2021, 21:38
                                                            my name is dot
                                                            1. dot 23 january 2021, 21:36
                                                              hellow creepy game screamed so loud
                                                              1. Holychicken08 22 january 2021, 17:56
                                                                I sleep in pitch black.
                                                                1. ADDISON PACE 18 february 2021, 20:03
                                                                  Me to my bedroom has no windows
                                                                2. minato namikaze 15 january 2021, 01:17
                                                                  who dis
                                                                  who dis
                                                                  1. dot 23 january 2021, 21:37
                                                                    how lives in straberry filds in hayden and goes to atlas elmentry or post falls high schoolelol?
                                                                  2. dallasschuetz 11 january 2021, 14:33
                                                                    i'm 10
                                                                    1. hi 10 january 2021, 00:15
                                                                      1. Annette 01 january 2021, 17:36
                                                                        I'm 10 and I still sleep with stuffed toys and with every single light I can find on! so there's no need to be embarrassed about what you do..!
                                                                        1. Jahzier Reed 23 december 2020, 13:21
                                                                          1. shannette wilson 22 december 2020, 16:56
                                                                            1. shannette wilson 22 december 2020, 16:55
                                                                              1. devil 20 december 2020, 21:51
                                                                                this game is scary
                                                                                1. kyhrianna 19 december 2020, 21:51
                                                                                  any one else espanol
                                                                                  1. marianne 19 december 2020, 21:40
                                                                                    Pas peur poche j'ai pas peur j'ai 13ans
                                                                                    1. emilka 18 december 2020, 09:57
                                                                                      1. I’m 11 and about too play it!!!!! 17 december 2020, 19:24
                                                                                        I’m 11 and I’m gonna play this game if i get a nightmare i might pee my pants!
                                                                                        1. amari 15 december 2020, 18:49
                                                                                          its not scary
                                                                                          1. Eliza rose 15 december 2020, 04:16
                                                                                            duds IM ALMOST 4 AND I AM NOT SCARED
                                                                                            1. shahrivar 12 december 2020, 01:14
                                                                                              i know it's scar and i'm 8 T_T
                                                                                              1. Violet Steele 11 december 2020, 20:06
                                                                                                is it fun and great! I scream everytime they jumpscare me when I take the pages/hooks.
                                                                                                1. DIRTY DOG 11 december 2020, 15:12
                                                                                                  it is creepy so much i like it
                                                                                                  1. JUL 11 december 2020, 13:02
                                                                                                    1. JUL 11 december 2020, 13:01
                                                                                                      1. PRO GAMMER 10 december 2020, 17:38
                                                                                                        1. dot 23 january 2021, 21:35
                                                                                                          hi how are you.lol?
                                                                                                        2. PRO GAMMER 10 december 2020, 17:37
                                                                                                          im 2
                                                                                                          1. Coco 23 november 2020, 06:15
                                                                                                            Love it
                                                                                                            1. Kaylea Levels 20 november 2020, 21:19
                                                                                                              this not even scary
                                                                                                              1. depressed 20 november 2020, 04:30
                                                                                                                how do i open a door on a computer
                                                                                                                1. kristina 18 november 2020, 17:52
                                                                                                                  i do not love it i like it
                                                                                                                  1. 17 november 2020, 07:37
                                                                                                                    im love this games it is scary
                                                                                                                    1. mr>minecraft 11 november 2020, 17:11
                                                                                                                      Scary game...but it is soo cool
                                                                                                                      1. Christian 09 november 2020, 16:58
                                                                                                                        I am 8 and it is scary
                                                                                                                        1. Midnight Rose 03 november 2020, 22:17
                                                                                                                          lol gud game
                                                                                                                          1. jajajajaXD 11 december 2020, 21:17
                                                                                                                            jajaja me da miedo ni como matar
                                                                                                                            1. izzy 12 december 2020, 20:13
                                                                                                                              lo mismo pare mi- jaja
                                                                                                                            2. oryan 11 november 2020, 00:54
                                                                                                                              your so dumb listen she is not scary AT ALL
                                                                                                                              1. Annika 10 december 2020, 21:58
                                                                                                                                yeah not scary and im 3
                                                                                                                                1. Violet Steele 11 december 2020, 20:05
                                                                                                                                  uhm it isn't scary, but the other 2 comments are rude and saying your dumb, you aren't.
                                                                                                                                  1. Foxy_Fnaf fan 07 april 2021, 16:19
                                                                                                                                    yea, you should not be rude, some people have other feelings
                                                                                                                              2. macayla 09 october 2020, 17:19
                                                                                                                                so i am 9 and i am not scared
                                                                                                                                1. camryn 08 october 2020, 00:23
                                                                                                                                  its scary im onley 9 and im scared
                                                                                                                                  1. MIKEYRENN 26 january 2021, 12:15
                                                                                                                                    I played this today and it's not scary at all I played outside of the Asylum and I wasn't scared
                                                                                                                                    1. Madison Evans 15 december 2020, 19:52
                                                                                                                                      its ok buddy im 13 and i still sleep with my lights on
                                                                                                                                      1. Kylie O'Neil 16 december 2020, 16:46
                                                                                                                                        Im 11 almost 12 and i sleep with several night lights
                                                                                                                                        1. Maddie 25 december 2020, 16:38
                                                                                                                                          its ok i am 11 and i still LOVE stuffed animals.
                                                                                                                                    2. jelly 17 july 2020, 02:08
                                                                                                                                      i love it
                                                                                                                                      1. Sahira 20 february 2021, 17:41
                                                                                                                                        Me too!!!