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Troll Face Quest


Troll Face Quest

If the banality of the real world seems boring and unimaginative, it’s time to play a quick Troll Face Quest game. In this point-and-click interactive puzzle inspired by some of the most popular memes of the 2000s regular rules and preconceptions are thrown right out the window. Embrace the absurdity and get a sense of the game’s contradictory logic to solve every problem you encounter while exploring dozens of hand-drawn levels.

Help the protagonist get out of a blocked stall in a public bathroom, assist the astronaut on a space mission and save a captive from getting eaten by a mutant vegetable. Do you think you can wrap your mind around this crazy world? Play Troll Face Quest on Kevin Games and find out!

Troll Face Quest is one of the best Thinking Game you can play on Kevin Games.
This game works perfectly in modern browsers and requires no installation.
Troll Face Quest has been played by thousands of gamers who rated it 4.0 / 5 with 2072 votes.

Did you enjoy this game? Then give other Thinking Games, Adventure Games, Quiz Games, Crazy Games, Troll games a try.

Also people ask about Troll Face Quest

  • What is Troll Face Quest?

    ⭐⭐⭐ Troll Face Quest - Is an awesome game in the Thinking Games genre. On our website, you can play Troll Face Quest in a browser free of charge. 🧐

  • How to play Troll Face Quest?

    🎮🎮🎮 These types of Thinking Games are usually controlled with the mouse or keyboard, sometimes both. 🤔

  • How to hack Troll Face Quest?

    👎👎👎 We strongly discourage the use of cheats in Troll Face Quest, play fair. Downloading cheats can also infect your computer with harmful software, so be careful! 🤗

    Comments (71)

    1. sammy 27 february 2023, 07:14
      need help on 4
      1. cool 25 december 2022, 19:56
        level 7 is so hard
        1. tedd 19 november 2022, 11:17
          help on 2?????
          1. Renell 22 december 2022, 19:15
            Yea like
          2. just 09 november 2022, 19:03
            help on lvl 11
            1. Corey Dexter 12 august 2022, 02:23
              on number 5 you have to hold your finger on Sponge-bob until he squeezes
              1. beck 03 august 2022, 15:24
                how do you past lv 21
                1. howtodothat 07 october 2023, 01:59
                  on top of the guy with the gun, there is a place where you can swipe down on just above.
                2. beck 03 august 2022, 15:19
                  how do get past level 19
                  1. April 03 june 2022, 16:25
                    Help on 9 pez
                    1. Bushy 21 february 2022, 21:39
                      help on 4?
                      1. reyu 21 february 2022, 21:39
                        i have no idea how to do lvl 5, the spongebob thingy :(((
                        1. Jame's bon 12 february 2022, 15:35
                          lol lvl 81 tis ez
                          1. Jame's bon 12 february 2022, 15:34
                            lvl 3 you need to click the girl til she is on the tree then click the trash can then super speed click the girl
                            1. dooty 09 february 2022, 20:30
                              help on 3
                              1. Brenden 07 february 2022, 13:16
                                I AM SOOOOOOOOO TIRED HELP ME ON LEVEL 25
                                1. aiden harris 05 february 2022, 20:47
                                  i need help on lvl 10
                                  1. Cc 05 february 2022, 18:07
                                    Help on 3
                                    1. RUBENS S FONSECA JR 02 september 2021, 01:35
                                      help in 3
                                      1. aiden harris 05 february 2022, 20:34
                                        ill help you
                                      2. brendan 21 august 2021, 02:52
                                        help on 25
                                        1. butter 21 june 2021, 11:29
                                          i need help on level 5
                                          1. andrew 01 june 2021, 17:48
                                            help on level 21
                                            1. aco 17 may 2021, 18:08
                                              i need help on 14
                                              1. trollking 14 april 2021, 15:23
                                                im stuck in lvl 10, plz help me
                                                1. da new guy 12 april 2021, 15:34
                                                  what do i have to do to get past level 10???
                                                  1. blake 19 march 2021, 16:21
                                                    cool i man i gues
                                                    1. Natalie Debes 18 march 2021, 09:06
                                                      i need help with level 3
                                                      1. lucas Hosking 06 april 2021, 02:22
                                                        tap the mans head really fast till the light bulb lights up and then tap the kid
                                                        1. troll king 12 april 2021, 15:13
                                                          im doin that, how fast do i click?
                                                        2. tap the mans head really fast and then tap the kid 06 april 2021, 02:20
                                                          cool game is it me or does this remind me of dumb ways to die
                                                        3. Mya 09 march 2021, 20:46
                                                          I need help on level 9
                                                          1. bruv 17 march 2021, 18:46
                                                            hold the clock
                                                          2. Cool 05 march 2021, 19:56
                                                            I need help with level 3
                                                            1. jaydon 03 march 2021, 22:09
                                                              please help with 9
                                                              1. jaydon 03 march 2021, 21:55
                                                                help with 9 please
                                                                1. jaydon 03 march 2021, 21:46
                                                                  i meant that i need help with 7 sorry
                                                                  1. jaydon 03 march 2021, 21:44
                                                                    i need help with 5
                                                                    1. carly 02 march 2021, 18:21
                                                                      great game
                                                                      1. chez_curd 24 february 2021, 19:59
                                                                        Hi i cant get past level 9, can someone help?
                                                                        1. 02 february 2021, 14:48
                                                                          1. 02 february 2021, 14:47

                                                                            1. jnf 26 january 2021, 18:57
                                                                              Level !9?
                                                                              1. jayda 25 january 2021, 17:06
                                                                                1. hhh 25 january 2021, 16:43
                                                                                  level 5???
                                                                                  1. gianni 16 january 2021, 01:56

                                                                                    1. coffe 15 january 2021, 16:47
                                                                                      hi I can't get past level 8
                                                                                      1. hhh 25 january 2021, 16:47
                                                                                        drag the helment from the poster on the dancing guy then click the boom box
                                                                                      2. Nyla Hurd 13 january 2021, 22:13
                                                                                        1. caleb 06 january 2021, 13:49
                                                                                          swipe down on the man in the bathroom keep swiping down until he is completely on the ground
                                                                                          1. Natalin 05 january 2021, 21:04
                                                                                            I can’t get past 1
                                                                                            1. aiden harris 05 february 2022, 20:38
                                                                                              swipe down on the guy
                                                                                            2. caleb 05 january 2021, 14:34
                                                                                              im stuck on level 3
                                                                                              1. Bryleigh S. 29 december 2020, 17:53
                                                                                                Hi! I'm new and I wanted to say Hi
                                                                                                1. lila 17 december 2020, 18:39
                                                                                                  Help on lvl 37 PLZZZZZZZZZZZ
                                                                                                  1. lila 17 december 2020, 18:26
                                                                                                    Let me check im on lvl 28
                                                                                                    1. USSR 17 december 2020, 00:56
                                                                                                      level 5 pls
                                                                                                      1. lila 17 december 2020, 18:30
                                                                                                        hold the tooth and really
                                                                                                      2. amiracle 17 december 2020, 00:13
                                                                                                        what the answer to lvl 3
                                                                                                        1. lila 17 december 2020, 18:29
                                                                                                          keep taping on the man then when his light bulb lights up tap on the kid
                                                                                                        2. amiracle 16 december 2020, 03:26
                                                                                                          1. hi 16 december 2020, 03:25
                                                                                                            I'm new
                                                                                                            1. jj 06 may 2021, 23:53
                                                                                                              i need help on 11 plz
                                                                                                            2. theblackcat 15 december 2020, 12:48
                                                                                                              what is the answer to lvl 7????
                                                                                                              1. lila 17 december 2020, 18:28
                                                                                                                bring the cake then swipe up
                                                                                                                1. lila 17 december 2020, 18:26
                                                                                                                  ummm let me check im on lvl 28
                                                                                                                  1. jaiden 30 january 2021, 21:06
                                                                                                                    how to pass lv 9
                                                                                                                    1. April 03 june 2022, 16:31
                                                                                                                      Hold on the Clock in then Press the guy and wait
                                                                                                                2. elizabeth 17 november 2020, 21:24
                                                                                                                  1. WOOBY JUNIOR TOUSSAINT MERISMA 30 october 2020, 17:11
                                                                                                                    1. 02 february 2021, 14:49