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Madalin Stunt Cars 3


Madalin Stunt Cars 3

Madalin Stunt Cars 3 is a driving simulator that prioritizes stunts and entertaining sandbox gameplay over racing in circles on repetitive tracks. Part 3 keeps the spirit of its predecessors and brings new ideas to the table while improving upon the existing ones. Explore several huge maps, drive through giant pipes, jump off ramps and make crazy tricks without receiving any damage!

Every Madalin Stunt Cars 3 game you play is a completely chaotic and unpredictable experience. You can either have the whole map to yourself or join a server to explore it in multiplayer. There are no predetermined goals, you are free to do anything you want – crash into others or stay out of their way, try to race them or see who can perform the greatest stunts. Freedom is what this franchise is all about.

You don’t need much in order to play Madalin Stunt Cars 3: just launch the game in your browser and use your keyboard to control the vehicle. Accelerate with W, move in reverse with S, steer with A and D and break with Space.

If you’re interested, you can always enjoy Madalin Stunt Cars 3 online on Kevin Games – no need to buy the game or install it on your device, just press play and start goofing around in the ultimate stunt driving sandbox!

Madalin Stunt Cars 3 is one of the best Driving Game you can play on Kevin Games.
This game works perfectly in modern browsers and requires no installation.
Madalin Stunt Cars 3 has been played by thousands of gamers who rated it 4.5 / 5 with 4492 votes.

Did you enjoy this game? Then give other Driving Games, Racing Games, Car Games, 2 Player Games, Car Racing Games a try.

Also people ask about Madalin Stunt Cars 3

  • What is Madalin Stunt Cars 3?

    ⭐⭐⭐ Madalin Stunt Cars 3 - Is an awesome game in the Driving Games genre. On our website, you can play Madalin Stunt Cars 3 in a browser free of charge. 🧐

  • How to play Madalin Stunt Cars 3?

    🎮🎮🎮 These types of Driving Games are usually controlled with the mouse or keyboard, sometimes both. 🤔

  • How to hack Madalin Stunt Cars 3?

    👎👎👎 We strongly discourage the use of cheats in Madalin Stunt Cars 3, play fair. Downloading cheats can also infect your computer with harmful software, so be careful! 🤗

    Comments (85)

    1. kylar 30 march 2023, 02:10
      hi im kylar
      1. zachary 10 november 2022, 18:00
        this game is like the best
        1. king 19 december 2021, 21:12
          be quiet
          1. {YEET} Phoenix 22 april 2022, 05:57
            best geme ever
            1. cj 11 may 2022, 14:10
              awsome game
          2. Michael Medlin 28 september 2021, 05:47
            love this game
            1. Wolfoo 03 september 2021, 17:38
              yes this is nice
              1. jessy Ingram 11 may 2021, 17:51
                i love to play this game with my friends in school lol
                1. Joshua Sackett 01 june 2021, 15:22
                2. joshua reilly 05 may 2021, 17:53
                  this game is so slow
                  1. Gassedup 16 april 2021, 23:08
                    Lol This Game Is So good For When You Are In School
                    1. issac levon lail 06 april 2021, 18:11
                      best thing that ever happened to me in a while
                      1. nathan pollard 01 april 2021, 16:11
                        i love this game
                        1. Leslie Bonilla Yanes : that loves slime 26 march 2021, 22:27
                          YES!!! IM a youtuber!!!
                          1. chirstopher zaleski 27 april 2021, 20:18
                            im a big fan
                          2. cesrock 19 march 2021, 17:53
                            i love this game
                            1. josh 15 march 2021, 16:23
                              the best game ever
                              1. Jesse Greene lll 07 march 2021, 15:12
                                Car Games are easy to drive
                                1. Player 27273 03 march 2021, 23:07
                                  Says I cant play
                                  1. william 24 february 2021, 22:59
                                    hmm take it or leve it idc about the grafikes and also the cars are amazing
                                    1. gamer boy 24 february 2021, 20:43
                                      this like te best game ever
                                      1. Dj Abraham 22 february 2021, 21:00
                                        i lov is it is osome me and my brother play it to gether.
                                        1. Instant Gamer_YT 05 february 2021, 14:40
                                          ITS AMAZING
                                          1. Seth 02 february 2021, 19:24
                                            Cool Game i got a girl friend
                                            1. K1NG ONLY 02 march 2021, 15:18
                                              u like 8
                                            2. hi its me 01 february 2021, 17:14
                                              love the cars soooo cool
                                              1. Elijah Wolf 29 january 2021, 20:04
                                                Worst game ever
                                                1. Elijah Wolf 29 january 2021, 19:46
                                                  Worst game in the entire world and I mean in the entire damn world
                                                  1. Lynn A Grice 23 february 2021, 01:04
                                                    HEY!!! DONT USE THE D-WORD!!! ALSO IT IS SUPER GOOD!!!
                                                  2. 7656y 20 january 2021, 13:38
                                                    YES BEST!!!
                                                    1. nick 21 january 2021, 01:04
                                                    2. YNW MELLY 19 january 2021, 15:21
                                                      was poppin
                                                      1. Nathan Pollard 17 january 2021, 18:52
                                                        1. KIKI 15 january 2021, 20:25
                                                          1. dane 14 january 2021, 14:35
                                                            1. king 08 january 2021, 14:18
                                                              I woot a data
                                                              1. keke 04 january 2021, 14:39
                                                                i'm new
                                                                1. cooldudemc2008 05 january 2021, 23:34
                                                                  thats cool
                                                                2. Maddie 26 december 2020, 19:11
                                                                  i love it so much
                                                                  1. Jordan 23 december 2020, 18:42
                                                                    good cool
                                                                    1. 1Queen 22 december 2020, 17:28
                                                                      I love this game
                                                                      1. 1Queen 19 december 2020, 00:48
                                                                        oh ya oh ya
                                                                        1. Talan 17 december 2020, 15:29
                                                                          I'm stuck in place on this game but so true it is the best game ever
                                                                          1. Brooklyn~ 17 december 2020, 16:41
                                                                          2. Danni Bene 17 december 2020, 14:21
                                                                            I CAN NOT DRIVE ANYMORE HELP ME
                                                                            1. joe 17 december 2020, 19:50
                                                                              you need to switch your car to move again
                                                                            2. Nate 16 december 2020, 21:52
                                                                              1. chief bates 16 december 2020, 21:20
                                                                                ds nmv
                                                                                1. lil bobby 16 december 2020, 19:54
                                                                                  best game
                                                                                  1. sharkythe one god 16 december 2020, 12:44
                                                                                    it is the best game ever can you make more cars for this game it is so so so fun i play it everyday
                                                                                    1. im single 16 december 2020, 04:01
                                                                                      me LOCAlLeader24al I liked the game
                                                                                      1. im single 16 december 2020, 03:59
                                                                                        the driving game is cool
                                                                                        1. im single 16 december 2020, 03:59

                                                                                          BEST GAME
                                                                                          1. im single 16 december 2020, 03:58
                                                                                            90% of my answers are right
                                                                                            1. im single 16 december 2020, 03:57
                                                                                              i need to get a gf
                                                                                              1. im single 16 december 2020, 03:55
                                                                                                very cool game
                                                                                                1. kurt 11 december 2020, 23:44
                                                                                                  I JUST CANT MOVE BUT I LIKE THIS GAME
                                                                                                  1. LocalLeader24al 10 december 2020, 16:28
                                                                                                    Try madalin stunt cars 1
                                                                                                    1. Black Ice Freddy 10 december 2020, 14:47
                                                                                                      Really awesome sandbox driving game
                                                                                                      1. bbentson25 09 december 2020, 17:10
                                                                                                        great game really fun
                                                                                                        1. bbentson25 09 december 2020, 17:10
                                                                                                          Good Game
                                                                                                          1. bentleyosborne 09 december 2020, 01:13
                                                                                                            1. LocalLeader24al 08 december 2020, 23:32
                                                                                                              who liked madalin stunt cars 2
                                                                                                              1. kid 08 december 2020, 02:26
                                                                                                                1. Leonardo 06 december 2020, 02:45
                                                                                                                  i dot like it
                                                                                                                  1. Leonardo 06 december 2020, 00:04
                                                                                                                    its so fun
                                                                                                                    1. Kara Allred 24 november 2020, 01:30
                                                                                                                      1. bryan 18 november 2020, 05:25
                                                                                                                        HELLO GUYS
                                                                                                                        1. zack 16 november 2020, 17:27
                                                                                                                          funb game
                                                                                                                          1. CHRISTINE RAJ 11 november 2020, 15:31
                                                                                                                            1. hacker 19 october 2020, 21:40
                                                                                                                              1. tensae 15 october 2020, 17:31
                                                                                                                                1. zack 08 october 2020, 16:54
                                                                                                                                  1. postmlone 04 october 2020, 18:31
                                                                                                                                    its light
                                                                                                                                    1. Logan 12 october 2020, 18:55
                                                                                                                                      you right
                                                                                                                                    2. mystkguard1an 02 october 2020, 19:04
                                                                                                                                      oooooohhhhh my sohsn 3
                                                                                                                                      1. 21 Savage 29 september 2020, 20:20
                                                                                                                                        Its Ight
                                                                                                                                        1. Stephanie J Braasch 11 december 2020, 22:38
                                                                                                                                          hi im new!
                                                                                                                                        2. dhanakird 19 september 2020, 11:16
                                                                                                                                          1. yeeettime 17 september 2020, 20:54
                                                                                                                                            1. Liam Manshack 10 september 2020, 22:57
                                                                                                                                              Best game ever!!!
                                                                                                                                              1. bbentson25 09 december 2020, 17:11
                                                                                                                                                so true
                                                                                                                                                1. dhanakird 19 september 2020, 11:19
                                                                                                                                                  1. colton 14 december 2020, 20:13
                                                                                                                                                    best game ever!!!
                                                                                                                                                    1. kylar 30 march 2023, 02:10
                                                                                                                                                      yeah cool